
The FAFSA and CSS Profile take several factors into account,包括 adjusted gross income, federal and state taxes 支付, 资产及持股, 家庭的规模, and the number of siblings enrolled in college. 援助 applications provide an Expected Family Contribution (EFC), or the amount of money you are expected to supply for your educational costs. Actual out-of-pocket expenses can vary and may be greater or less than your EFC.

Your financial aid award offer will list each individual award for which you qualify. 我们假设您将接受提供给您的任何助学金或奖学金,但您需要在夏季采取额外措施以确保您已获得的贷款资源. 请注意,任何贷款计划列出的金额是您有资格在一年内借款的最高金额. You have the right to borrow less than the amount offered if you so choose.

继续学习的学生将在6月份收到下一学年的经济援助通知, after all spring grades are posted, and once your FAFSA and any requested 验证文件 have been submitted.

 重要的是: 同一学期就读于一所以上学院的学生,只能从一所院校获得经济资助. You must notify our office if this applies to you.


In trying to project your eligibility for financial aid in future years, 请记住,你家庭经济状况的变化会影响你的经济援助奖励总额. If your family's financial circumstances improve, you should expect that your need-based aid will likely decrease; similarly, 如果财政状况低迷,通常会导致获得更多的财政援助.




The Federal Processor or 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 can select applications for verification. 被选中并不一定意味着你犯了错误或者我们不相信你所提供的信息. 我们的目标仅仅是确保我们使用准确的信息来做出最佳的财政援助决定.

我们需要纠正通过与联邦处理中心核实过程中发现的不准确信息,并使用经核实的信息来确定是否有资格获得经济援助. 更正您的FAFSA信息可能会导致您的资格发生变化,并导致在验证完成之前对所提供的援助进行修改.

How do I know if I've been selected?

After filing or making corrections to your FAFSA, 联邦处理中心向您发送通知,通知您可以查看学生援助报告(SAR). 仔细检查SAR. 如果联邦处理中心选择您进行验证,它将在报告上显示.

如果澳门金沙线上赌博官网提供的助学金表明奖学金是预估的,需要进行核实, or you receive an email asking you to submit 验证文件, you have been selected for verification. Please read all correspondence from us and respond in a timely fashion.

什么 documentation do I need to submit?

The verification process can be different for each student. 被选中进行验证的学生将由财政援助通知完成验证过程所需的内容.

If you completed your 2024-25 FAFSA WITH parental (contributor) information, 你需要提交, 如果适用:

•    2024-25 Dependent 验证 Worksheet
•    Your parents' 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcript*, or signed 1040 Tax Form
•    Your parents' 2022 W-2 Form(s), Schedule C, and/or Schedule K-1
•    Your (the student's) 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcript*, or signed 1040 Tax Form
•    Your (the student's) 2022 W-2 Form(s)

If you completed your 2024-25 FAFSA WITHOUT parental (contributor) information, 你需要提交, 如果适用:

•    2024-25 Independent 验证 Worksheet
•    Your 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcript*, or signed 1040 Tax Form
•    Your spouse's 2022 W-2 Form(s), if married
•    *You can request a 2022 Tax Return Transcript 在这里.

一些学生也可能被要求确认高中毕业状态和/或教育目的的身份/声明. 请注意:如果教育目的声明没有亲自提交给学生金融服务,将需要公证.

How long will the process take?

Once our office receives all the required documents from you, the normal processing time is 10-14 days.  一旦验证完成,如果您的经济援助计划有任何调整,您将收到通知.

How do I submit my documents?

请参阅提交文件(IDOC) 下面.  

什么 do I do if I am unable to locate my W2s?

If you have difficulty locating your 2022 W-2's you can also request a "工资及入息记录表" from the IRS which will fulfill the W-2 requirement.

什么 if I filed an amendment to my taxes (1040X)?

If you filed an amendment to your taxes (IRS Form 1040X), 你须提供一份已签署的1040X表格副本,以修订你的原报税表.

什么 is the deadline to submit 验证文件?

Note: 验证 must be completed no later than October 1. 如果在此日期之后仍未核实,所有基于需求的援助将被全部取消.



如果你的家庭有不寻常的财务状况,没有准确地反映在你的家庭当前的税务信息, you may request a review to determine if adjustments can be made.

How are special circumstances considered?

特殊情况的考虑并不保证调整或增加经济援助资格.  Adjustments for special circumstances are based on availability of funding.  我们已经制定了指导方针,以帮助您了解我们可以和不能考虑的特殊情况.

While the very nature of special circumstance consideration is a case-by-case review, 我们发现,在决定是否提交特殊情况申请时,家庭通常需要一些关于我们能考虑什么和不能考虑什么的指导方针.

什么 qualifies as a special circumstance?
  • 非自愿失业导致总收入预计至少减少15%.  失业必须在提出特殊情况上诉前至少八周发生.
  • Loss of Untaxed Income or Benefits such as alimony or child support
  • Reduction of Income due to Legal Separation or Divorce of parents/spouse
  • Reduction of income due to Death of parents/spouse
  • High medical and or dental expenses 支付 在过去的2个日历年内,超过总收入的15%(不包括自付额)

If any of these circumstances apply to you, please contact our office to speak with your assigned 金融援助 Counselor.

什么  qualify as a special circumstance?
  • Private school tuition for siblings unless enrollment is necessary due to disability
  • Yearly fluctuations in income due to loss of overtime or bonuses
  • Personal consumer debt such as credit-card or car payments
  • 父母不愿意支付澳门金沙线上赌博官网的学费
  • Exclusion of business income reported on personal tax return
  • Requests to match offers from other college or universities; 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 does not change or negotiate awards based on comparisons with financial aid awards received from other colleges.

上诉必须以书面形式提出,并必须包括对情况的详细描述以及适当的文件.  我们必须首先确认你在援助申请上提供的信息的准确性。, t在这里fore you must also provide 验证文件.   

The review of your 特殊情况下 Appeal will be completed by a committee. 关于审查结果的通知通常在收到后10至14天内发出,但如果需要更多信息,可能需要额外的处理时间.


澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 uses the College Board’s Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) as a safe and secure platform for families to submit sensitive financial information. 作为澳门金沙赌城线上游戏助学金申请的一部分,上传至IDOC的文件仅供澳门金沙赌城线上游戏助学金办公室使用.

需要提交信息的学生将收到大学理事会代表澳门金沙赌城线上游戏发出的电子邮件,其中包含访问说明 IDOC. 请注意,您的CBFin援助 ID(在大学理事会的电子邮件中提供)和SSN或出生日期将需要访问IDOC.

An overview of IDOC can be accessed 在这里.