Workshops Offered

The Student Diversity and Inclusion Office (SDIO) offers a wide variety of 股本, inclusion, belonging, and social justice workshops. They are available to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 University students, faculty, and staff upon request to

These workshops are great for classes, student staff training, and student organizations. Additional and/or customized topics are available by request. If you are interested in more learning opportunities, please ask us about the University’s partnership with SafeColleges.

Students talking together in a group at an International Student Pool Party.
Allyship 101

In this training, participants will explore concepts of identity, privilege, and oppression; deepen their understanding of their own privilege; gain strategies to leverage their privilege as allies to a variety of communities. Join us and learn more about your own power to create positive change on our campus, in the community, and in the world!

An Intro to Diversity and Inclusion

In this training, participants will gain fundamental knowledge pertaining to diversity, 股本, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). Key terms and concepts will be covered in relation to understanding race, 性别, sexual orientation, 等.

LGBTQIA+ Allyship

In this workshop, participants will explore foundational terminology of the LGBTQIA+ community, issues and policies impacting the LGBTQIA+ individuals, and specific 行动 that can be taken to practice active allyship. 


This training will introduce participants to statements, 行动, or incidents regarded as an instance of indirect, 微妙的, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized groups (microaggressions) and equip participants with the skills to combat 微妙的 or overt harm whether they be physical, emotional or psychological.

Participants will understand how microaggressions are embedded systemically in society and how to recognize signs as well as the difficulties they may face in addressing and eliminating them.

Social Justice Ally Training: An Introduction

The purpose of this foundational Social Justice Ally Training is to educate members of the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 University 教师 and 工作人员 community about their own social identities, the identities of others, and issues related to social justice in order to develop allies who will promote an equitable and inclusive environment and serve as social change agents in our campus community.

Social Justice Ally Training 2.0: Putting Allyship Into Action

The purpose of this Social Justice Ally Training (Pt. 2) is to equip participants with the tools to further deepen their practice of allyship and gain additional skills to transform their work. Participants will work through case studies that will build their skills as social change agents in their classrooms, departments, and programs.


Request a workshop