
作为全国领先的东亚研究项目之一, 学生从事研究, 体验语言和文化沉浸, 完成实习, 发现全球视野.  


Students can apply for a number of scholarships and grants towards study abroad opportunities through the Center for International Engagement. 其中许多也是进行研究的机会. 


考虑到经济需要和学业成绩, this fellowship covers a portion of the student’s tuition to study abroad with the Shanghai program. Field Fellows conduct additional research while studying abroad with one of the faculty leading the program.

This fellowship is awarded based on both financial need and academic merit and covers a portion of the tuition for the Ecological Civilization in 中国 program. Kurtti Fellows conduct research while abroad and for the remainder of the summer and have the option to present at the 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Summer 研究 Symposium.

Travel grants are awarded to students with demonstrated financial need who plan to study abroad in East Asia with a non-澳门金沙线上赌博官网 summer intensive language program for academic credit.  

This fellowship is available to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students with demonstrated financial need who plan to apply to study abroad in East Asia in the summer. Preference will be given to students attending a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 faculty-led study abroad program.


了解更多的奖学金和财政援助信息 学生金融服务办公室.





Sends students to Shanghai to conduct projects in conjunction with the Shanghai Program.

莎朗·L. 唐纳德·E. Kurtti暑期研究奖学金
送两名中文系大二学生去珠海, 中国, 开展本科生生态文明研究.


EAST students also have strong records in receiving the following Program 奖助金, 两者都强调学生与教师在研究上的合作.

梅隆冲浪 projects involve full-time, one-on-one research collaboration on campus during the summer.

亚洲网络的学生教师研究员计划资助 ​​​​​​
ASIANetwork 项目特点:有海外团队研究经历, 通常由一到两个教师带领一组4-6名学生.


EAST students have also been selected to present academic papers and posters at the ASIANetwork annual meetings and the Southwest Conference on Asian Studies.


本科生研究是澳门金沙赌城线上游戏价值观的核心. 的 体验式学习办公室 为学生提供一个获取实习信息的地方, 社区服务和服务学习机会, 课堂之外的课程项目, 以及本科生的研究机会.


Today, cross-cultural understanding is as much a practical necessity as an educational standard. Study abroad is an embodiment of the liberal arts ideals and a sign of the initiative and breadth often looked for by employers.


  1. 上海暑期项目
  2. 中国生态文明建设项目
  3. 中国野外地质项目
  4. 日本计划
  5. 台湾三位一体

的se 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 出国留学 programs are essential in the East Asian Studies program, and also serve as formal exchange programs with universities in Chinese-speaking regions of the world (Hong Kong, 台湾, 和中国). 的 University also has exchange agreements with Ewha and Yonsei universities in Seoul, 韩国, 以及日本的关西学院和立教大学.


澳门金沙线上赌博官网交换伙伴的校园里举行, 上海交通大学, students spend two weeks studying contemporary 中国 with both a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 professor and a SJTU professor. 实地考察把学生带到北京, 附近的城市, 以及上海市有关政府和商业机构. In the final month, students intern in a 业务 or institution of their choice 在上海.

In collaboration with the United International College (UIC) in Zhuhai (near Macau and Hong Kong), 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 and UIC students complete a three-week course on “Ecology and Bio-conservation of 中国,,其中包括在附近地区进行全面的实地考察. 在节目结束时, five UIC students travel to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s campus to conduct undergraduate research in the Center for the Sciences and Innovation.


留学办公室 能根据你的兴趣和/或学习帮助你找到一个机会吗. 



EAST currently sponsors both externships for undergraduates and internships for post-grads. Externships are conducted in the summer and may contain an academic component, 而实习可能会持续长达一年. 

的 format of our programs are quite varied—one has a weekly classroom component, 一个需要每周出差. 在所有情况下, 保证学生至少有一段时间的法律指导工作, 业务, 或教学.

  • EAST sponsors 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 sophomores who plan to be teachers of Chinese; it is conducted on the campus of our exchange partner, 岭南大学,在香港.
  • A 业务 externship in Hong Kong is available for students who major in Chinese and 业务 and who study abroad in 中国 the spring of their junior year.
  • 的re is an externship for urban studies and 业务 majors to be conducted on the 交通大学 上海校区.
  • 我们的实习项目是在国际律师事务所进行的 贝克 & 麦肯齐 在上海. This is a paid internship for post-grads with a degree in Chinese Studies.



澳门金沙线上赌博官网使用 握手系统 与学生分享所有工作和实习机会.



东方大学是中国语言文化俱乐部的学术赞助商, 日本文化俱乐部, 越南学生协会, 鼓励学生参与其中. 

校园里最古老的学生组织之一, the 中国语言文化俱乐部 boasts more than 100 members who strive to bring many of 中国's traditions and celebrations--from dim sum to Lunar New Year festival--to the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 campus.

促进和提供学术, 专业, 以及学习和讨论日本文化的社会环境.

This student organization creates a social and educational network for students interested in 越南ese culture.


使用 学生组织门户网站 加入一个活跃的组织或在校园里成立一个活跃的组织.



的 annual 东方及中文节目接收 is held during Fall Family Weekend, 当教师, 校友, and former students are invited to meet current students and their parents and friends. EAST scholarship recipients are recognized and the 东亚研究优秀学生凤凰奖 is awarded. 的 reception is attended by the president, and is graciously sponsored by an alumnus. 

的 annual Lunar New Year festival--founded by the first graduate of the Chinese program, with a history of 25 years at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网--celebrates the most important holiday in East Asian cultures from Korea and Japan, 到中国, 越南, 和菲律宾. 由东亚学生组织财团赞助, 这个热闹的活动以舞蹈为特色, 首歌, 武术, 短剧, 和更多的, showcasing the multicultural talent of the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 community of students and faculty.​​​​


跟上……的步伐 新闻及活动 对于部门来说.



​​​​​的 EAST Program offers the Phoenix Award each year to honor the most promising graduate of the year. 中国凤凰, 或凤凰, is so rare that it only appears when a person is born whose spirit and intellect are so pure, 这个人被加冕为中国的皇帝或皇后, 一个和平与繁荣的时代将会到来. 凤凰奖的获得者就是这样一个人. 

往届获奖者是Julia Smith ' 15, 凯蒂·凯斯特纳16岁, 瑞秋·沃尔珀特,17岁, 安妮·贝尔维尔18岁, 还有20岁的瑞·埃斯克里奇.