
一旦你知道 什么 你想给予,就决定吧 你想让你的礼物看到 如何 你的影响力可能会随着时间的推移而扩大.



The simplest way to give is through 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s online giving portal, or through cash or check. These direct funds allow the University to see student support through immediately.

But did you know you can also give in many more creative ways? From stocks 和 securities to real estate 和 personal property, your donation is a reflection of your philanthropic personality.






A pledge is a promise: to nurture, to bolster, to sustain. A 反复出现的礼物 or multi-year pledge provides ongoing support with cumulative impact.

Pledges can be made through our online giving system by selecting one of two options:

  1. 做一个 反复出现的礼物 有特定的付款次数.
  2. 成为一个 持续捐赠 through set payments in a specified frequency.




Gifts can be restricted by a donor to scholarships, endowed faculty positions, 和 more. Establish an endowed fund through a minimum gift commitment of $100,000.

The 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 endowment has grown over time due to alumni 和 donor gifts, 严谨的管理制度, 合理使用年度报表. 天赋,有限的礼物 通常以五年为期限.

我们的 发展团队 可以回答问题吗, 提供指导, 和 share opportunities for you to leave your legacy.



Did you know that a planned gift can protect your assets, 养家糊口, 并保证你一生的收入?

有计划的礼物——通过遗嘱的礼物, 地产, 和 other assets—allows you to establish your own 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 legacy.



If you’d like to further discuss your options for direct giving, 经常性捐赠及认捐, 或者有计划的捐赠, 联系1-888-TU-DONOR或 trinityfund@psozxd.com.



用我们的 安全的网上礼物 形式看效果立竿见影.




支票抬头为澳门金沙赌城线上游戏, 和 please include a note telling us 如何 to direct your gift.


下载我们的 T.A.C.T. 形式(PDF) 和 return it with a voided check or voided savings deposit slip to:



If you would like to make a gift via an electronic transfer, please contact 吉姆Holzbach jholzbac@psozxd.com 查询详细的银行指示.

To ensure proper 和 timely credit of your gift, send a copy of the transfer instructions to 吉姆Holzbach once it has been completed through your financial institution. 将副本发送至:



Through your company's matching gift benefit, you may be able to double or even triple the amount of your contribution. Find out if your company has a matching gift policy by contacting 凯西·麦克尼尔, senior director for annual giving programs.

Gifts made in memory or in honor of a family member, 老师, student or friend are generous 和 thoughtful ways to remember a person’s life 和 accomplishments. A gift of any kind can be designated as an honorary or memorial gift. 联系 克丽丝霍德兰, director f或者有计划的捐赠, with questions or for instructions 和 assistance.

赠送升值的股票, 交易所交易基金, 债券及共同基金 can be an easy 和 economical way to give to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 和 in many cases may offer a tax advantage. We always recommend that you consult with your tax advisor in order to learn more about the advantages of gifting stocks, 债券及共同基金. 联系 吉姆Holzbach, Sr. Director, Advancement Resources, with questions or for instructions 和 assistance.

Your retirement-plan benefits are very likely a significant portion of your net worth. 也因为特殊的税收考虑, they could make an excellent choice for funding a charitable gift. 联系 吉姆Holzbach, Sr. Director, Advancement Resources, with questions or for instructions 和 assistance.

A gift of personal property includes equipment, 库存, 书, 艺术作品, 或其他有形财产. Gifts-in-kind are used to benefit the University, department, or center as designated by the donor. 联系 克丽丝霍德兰, director f或者有计划的捐赠, with questions or for instructions 和 assistance.

Real estate gifts provide important benefits to you 和 your family. You can use real estate to make an outright gift, establish a retained life estate or obtain a charitable income tax deduction 和 avoid capital gains taxes. The minimum value of a real estate gift is $25,000. 联系 克丽丝霍德兰, director f或者有计划的捐赠, with questions or for instructions 和 assistance.

对许多捐赠者来说, 有形个人财产, 比如艺术, 古董或收藏品, represents some of their most valuable assets with which to make charitable gifts. To discuss this type of gift, as well as IRS rules for gifts of 有形个人财产, contact 克丽丝霍德兰, director f或者有计划的捐赠, with questions or for instructions 和 assistance.



作为一名老虎员工, one of the most powerful statements you can make on behalf of the University is to invest financially in its mission. When employees give back, it sends a strong message to external supporters.



More than 95% of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students receive some form of scholarship or financial aid—which means there’s a good chance you do, 太! A gift of any size can help a future 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Tiger enjoy the same resources 和 create the same lifelong memories that make every student proud to wear maroon.



澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Parent 和 Family Programs promote 和 cultivate student learning, 发展, 和成功, encouraging active involvement in the University’s mission to provide an excellent liberal arts 和 sciences education for our students—our children.
